Using a completely custom built Artificial Intelligence, GhostAI constructs sentences using the raw data from all available sensors in your device. It can be used by professional and amateur paranormal investigators, or just for fun.
GhostAI is designed to detect the smallest amounts of vibration and movement (along with lots of other sensor readings) and build sentences which it then speaks. This is why it is important that you DO NOT to tap, shake or move your device while using the app or it will see that movement as a trigger. If you insist on moving your device or cannot place it on a solid flat surface, tap on the “Settings” button to turn off the movement sensor, GPS sensor, Gyroscope sensor, light sensor, proximity sensor and rotation sensor – but you will be severely limiting which sensors GhostAI can use.
Quick Instructions
- Run the GhostAI app
- The first time it runs (or after an update is pushed out) it will build it’s neural net which can take a few seconds.
- Place your device on a solid, flat surface.
- When prompted, tap the screen and stand back while it calibrates.
- Watch and listen for it to detect changes in energy readings.
GhostAI will use all of the sensors it can find in your device to pick up changes in energy. This includes sensors for the tiniest amount of vibration, rotation, GPS, gyroscope, light, magnetic fields, proximity etc. and uses it’s custom-built neural network to construct sentences to display, log and speak. This app uses the actual data from the sensors, passed through it’s own machine learning system taught with thousands and thousands of words to generate the text.
Important Information
There are few things to remember when using the app.
- No information on your device is used to teach the Neural Net.
- Do not expect perfect grammar or sentence structure. By using the real raw sensor data from your device it may not always make complete sense so you will need to interpret what it is trying to say and decide if it is relevant.
- Do NOT believe everything that it displays.
- If it says anything offensive or bad, consider it interference.
- If you are at all worried, turn the app off and take a break. You can always try again later.
- Pay close attention to the warnings about not holding, tapping or shaking your device. It is designed to detect the tiniest of vibrations and changes in all available sensor readings. Top end phones and tablets tend to have more sensors than low end ones but the app is designed to work with whatever it can find. The sensitivity of sensors will also vary between devices.
LOGGING: The app logs the sentences spoken for you to view, save, email, delete etc. at a later time. There is also a built-in log viewer. The date and time is logged, along with the sentence, so you can see exactly when the energy was detected. The log files are exported in CSV format so you can import them into your favourite spreadsheet (e.g. MS Excel or Google Sheets), cloud storage, or share them with others via email or social media.
- Paranormal investigators believe that leaving such devices running for as long as possible will allow spirits to learn what energy is required to trigger certain words.
- If it starts to trigger sentences constantly you may be getting interference from something close by. This can include electrical wiring which can cause electromagnetic interference. Try moving the device somewhere else or tap the ‘Calibrate’ button to get it to tune out background variance (although you will lose some sensitivity).
- If you get a lot of interference causing sensor readings to jump around and trigger words, you can try switching your device into ‘flight’ mode. This will disable all networking features (which GhostAI does not require) but should leave local sensors enabled.
- You can see which sensors are being triggered by tapping the “Settings” button. The ones that turn blue are seeing changes above the threshold. If you think a sensor may be faulty or too sensitive, you can tap it to disable/enable it.
- Some Android device manufacturers may have made changes to the default text-to-speech system. If you are not getting the words spoken on an Android device, you can check and install the default Google text-to-speech system on Google Play here. You can also adjust it’s settings by going into “Settings“, then “Accessibility” and choosing “Text-to-speech output” (or something similar if your device differs from standard Android). You can set the preferred engine in there – which should be “Speech Recognition and Synthesis from Google“. You can also choose the language – which is normally “Use system language” or you can choose “English (United Kingdom)” or “English (United States)” as a test.
- If you find the text-to-speech system on Apple iOS devices is not working, you can access it’s settings by going into “Settings”, then “Accessibility” and then “Spoken Content”. This can be a good way to test it is working on your device. There was also a bug reported in the operating system which indicated that turning on “battery saver” mode fixed the TTS system (but we cannot confirm this).
- If the app does not do what you were expecting, or there is an issue with it running on your device, please contact me for help.
GhostAI: £3.99 (UKP or your local equivalent)
The app contains NO adverts, NO in-app purchases, does NOT require an internet connection to work, and requires NO unnecessary permissions.